OKTAGON UK & IRELAND is the British and Irish representative of the Czechoslovak organisation OKTAGON MMA. OKTAGON first brought their mixed martial arts tournaments to the UK in November 2023 and is expanding through the terratory extremely quickly. OKTAGON UK & IRELAND have presented several TV shows from an England Vs Ireland team tournament and a celebrity MMA bout featuring Jake Quickenden and Paul Smith.

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Pavol Neruda
Co-Founder & Owner OKTAGON MMA
Promoter and co-owner of the OKTAGON MMA organisation, Neruda strives to make the promotion a global MMA powerhouse.
Ondřej Novotný
Co-Founder & Owner OKTAGON MMA
Novotný is not only the co-owner of Oktagon and a promoter, but also an excellent announcer, which he has shown in various TV shows and the arena alike.
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